Become a volunteer

Get involved!

We offer volunteer opportunities for Youth, Adults, and Community Business Partners! Some volunteer opportunities require a more formal screening while others are open to the public. Please review volunteer roles below and complete the appropriate Volunteer Form (Youth/Adult/Business). Please allow 3-4 business days for processing of your application. Please also note that there might be an additional delay if the application is filled out on a holiday and/or weekend. 

Volunteers are adults who are committed to specific programs and assist on an as needed basis. Some programs may require training prior to assignment. Frequency of commitment varies by program, please contact the program coordinator for specific information.

  • Compliance Monitor

    • Training required. Assist in case management for first time youth offenders. Work remotely after training.

  • Mentoring (Project Hero)

    • One-year commitment. About 5 hours/month. Attend monthly mentor training and dinner with mentee.

Youth Volunteers

If you are a youth who is interested in volunteering with us, please review the programs below and then complete the Youth Volunteer form.

  • Youth Leaders for Change

  • Youth Court - Jury

  • Youth Court - Juror

  • Drug Free Communities

  • Helping Hands

Adult Volunteers

Adults (18+ years) have a wide variety of opportunities available. We offer internships for college students and adults seeking hands on work experience and we offer single program volunteer opportunities. Volunteer opportunities may be done on an as needed basis and/or remotely while internships require a 10 hour/week on location commitment. *

*Flexibility is dependent on the program assigned.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or student intern, please review volunteer opportunities below and complete the Adult Volunteer Form.

Internship opportunities

Students interns must commit for at least one semester working under the supervision of program coordinators in one of the categories below. Duties may vary and include one or more programs in each category. At this time, internships are not paid.

Adult interns commitment varies on a case by case basis. Please contact us for more information.

Internships are assigned by categories and you may be assigned to support one or programs within that category.

*Due to the nature of program scheduling and target population, preference may be given to interns available in the afternoon/evening time (2 PM +)

Academic Support and Tutoring

Health & Wellness

  • Opening The Outdoors

  • Adopt-A-Creek Trail

  • Safe Routes to Schools

Leadership Development

  • Helping Hands Teen Service Club

  • Youth Advocates

  • Resident Leadership Academy

Prevention & Intervention

  • Youth Court

  • Multi-Disciplinary Team

  • Family Intervention Team

  • Girls Rock

  • Cannabis Abuse Workshop

  • Guiding Good Choices

  • Drug Free Communities

  • Project Hero Mentoring

Workforce Development

  • Career Days

  • Job Shadow Days

  • Work Readiness Training

Community & Business Partners

Are you looking for ways to get your community organization and/or business involved with the community? At COMPACT, we are always looking to increase partnerships to better serve our community.

We are currently looking for:

  • Career Day Speakers - single speakers or company representatives

  • Job Shadow Day Site Placements / Hosts - Host one or more students for half a day at your job site!

  • Coalition Members for Coalition for Drug Free Communities - Join our efforts for responsible business practices for a Drug Free Escondido.

  • Adopt-A-Creek Program - Adopt and help beautify a portion of the Escondido Creek Trail.

  • Bike/Walk Escondido - Support youth and adult bike activities and events (i.e. Bike Rodeos, Theme Rides, Safety Training, and School Assemblies)

  • Sponsors - Support one or more of our wonderful youth programs!

If you are interested in partnering with us, please feel free to contact us using the form below!